Investment Criteria

HEDEF Girişim Sermayesi Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş. evaluates project applications in terms of their compliance with the following investment criteria;

  • The entrepreneurial company meets the definition of SME (based on the latest communiqué issued by the Ministry of Industry),
  • The project can provide a competitive advantage in the market by creating technological differences or offer a new product/service portfolio with development potential,
  • The entrepreneurial company does not have any outstanding tax, SSI premium, bank, etc. debts that cannot be returned with future cash flows,
  • The applicant has a good command of technical details and knowledge of the market, customers and business,
  • The applicant has a viable business plan,
  • The applicant and his/her team is visionary, experienced, reliable, hardworking and honest,
  • It is believed that the investment can be exited within 5-6 years on average.

HEDEF Girişim Sermayesi Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş. purchases a maximum of 49 percent of the shares. Considering the demands of the applicant companies, investments are made up to an average of USD 250 thousand for projects at the initial stage, at least USD 500 thousand for IT projects with established companies, at least USD 1 million and up to a maximum of USD 5 million for other sectors.